Two and a Half Months Later...

Oh hey there! Remember me?!
SO I realize I spring the fact that I've moving to Nashville with no follow-up as to how that transition has worked out.
I mean, I could be lying in a ditch just waiting for someone to help me.
Thankfully, that has not been the case.
But living with kids leaves little time for much else! You parents out there - I get it!
They are a lot of work. They require you feeding them all the time and keeping them alive!
They ask more questions in an hour than I think I ask all week combined!
But boy are they precious when they are sweet and loving! And jack even started saying my name the last couple weeks. #proudauntie
Good thing Gizmo rarely talks back and actually begs to go to bed. I've trained him well.
We also started the Game of Thrones series!
I highly recommend you watch it; if you have no life, like me.
It's been a busy couple months just hanging out with the kiddos, going home to see my parents and friends and traveling a bit for work!
I found an apartment within the first couple weeks of moving down here and just moved in this past weekend. I was glad to have that figured out before I really got busy into work. Recap on that move and nightmare coming soon!

For now, here's a quick recap on the life:
Living with Chels and the fam was great! I cannot thank them enough for letting me stay there!! We used to fight all the time and had about a 3 day window of tolerance towards each other, but we didn't fight once and it sure was nice to be around her so much!! They live north of the city, but I surprising didn't hate the 35-60 minute commutes...and I got home by around 430 most days! WOOT!
I am loving my job and am way happier at this company. I work with a great team and I'm excited to be a part of it. I'm really missing being around my family now that I'm in my own place. Guess 6 months of 'couch surfing' with people you actually like being around will do that to ya!
And I miss my friends and being able to call them up and go hang out rather than scheduling weekends, but I know that dynamic and those friendships will last with a little extra effort. Totally worth it.
Gizmo was starting to like his life again and then I moved him for the 3rd time in 6 months and he's back to hating it. You win some you lose some. We're crossing out fingers that changes within the next couple weeks cause we're locked in for the next 12 months! He better get a job if he thinks we can move AGAIN! I'm glad life is steady and no major updates. Those couple years of drama filled me up for a while. I'm still getting adjusted and I know it'll take a while to get into a routine and start looking for opportunities to get out and make friends! I've joined a couple meet ups in town, so hopefully that will be promising.

For now, I'm just trying to fit all of my crap stuff, in my apartment! Good Lord how did I accumulate so much! And this apartment is bigger than my condo!?! Seriously, where the hell did I store it all!
Oh yeah, my hallway storage and my garage... I know how to utilize space! :)
The movers who helped unload in Nashville actually asked if all this stuff was mine.
#hoardingproblems or should I say #winning

So, if the angels are finally on my side again today and I can finally get internet this afternoon (insert eye roll here) I'm hoping to start getting back in gear with this whole life update blog thing. My memory ain't getting any better and I sure am not getting any younger. But I guess I have to actually do things to have updates on things. And I have to take more pictures. Hmm That all seems like a lot of work. Well, wish me luck!
