Jackson Thomas


On Friday, you'll be a year old. A whole year has gone by since you came into this crazy world and I am in awe at how big you are! (seriously, the rolls dude...it's time to start running...just sayin')
You are one of the most chill babies I know and it cracks me up.
You are all smiles almost all of the time.
And I miss you and your brother daily! 

Except for this face - cause clearly you were stressing about the naking selfie was that going on the internet.
Too late dude. It's viral and you can't do a darn thing about it!

 Your mommy and daddy love you to the moon and back.
A baby brother for Lucas was perfect and you are just the right addition to your family.
You and I have a special second sibling/youngest of the fam.
We'll have lots to talk about when you get older.
Don't worry, I'll share my war stories about your mom and I growing up and will help you plot against your big brother; just because we can :)

You are entertaining, that is for damn sure!
And you don't seem to care what you are playing with as long as it's interesting to you.

You love your big brother and he does a good job of playing with you now that you can move around a bit more.
Although, he doesn't like when you play with his toys... mommy and daddy are working on it.
Sharing at 3 years old is tough. You'll get it when you are that age.
For now, just let it roll.
Eventually, he'll be more willing to share and you all will be best buds!

 You adore your Gaga like no other!
Your face lights up when you see him and you love being around him.
You have a special bond there already and I love it!

You're good at playing along! Although, I'm pretty sure that hat lasted about the 20 seconds it took to take this picture, you were a trooper!

Mommy entered you in a Gerber baby contest and you should have won.
I mean! that face buddy!?!

AND just like your brother, we have some photos that will someday be wonderful blackmail and fun albums to show your potential girlfriends.
Don't worry, they are safe and sound all over the internet on Facebook!

Your auntie loves you so much and can't wait to celebrate with you this weekend :)
One thing I'd like you to work on this next year is the drooling...
Your auntie is not a fan of all the slobber that comes out of your mouth every second.
It's pretty gross and if you don't get that cleared up before you start dating, it's not gonna go over well.
No girls want a slobbery kiss, I'm just sayin'.
Just helping you out man!
You'll thank me one day!

Happy Birthday sweet boy!!! I love you!
