Where I've Been....Again

So I feel like all I've done lately is updates and telling you where I've been the last couple weeks...
Here goes again!
Life has really gotten to be a mess lately! And not in a bad way just so overwhelming.

So last week was Valentine's Day, but it was also the week my grandmother went into the hospital and the week of the anniversary of the death of my best friend's dad.
It wasn't starting out good.
Oh yeah and work is drowning me for, what seems like, the past few months.

I had Premier training Monday, church meetings/practice Tuesday, played catch up on laundry and emails Wednesday and Thursday, Matthew took me to Derby Dinner Playhouse for Valentine's day. We had a good time! Say Killjoy, which is basically about a wife that wants to kill her ex- husband LOL Got some good pointers, just in case...you know.  Just kidding!! Maybe :)

Anyway, I barely slept that night and woke up Friday morning to the news my grandmother had passed away early that morning...
I won't go in much detail here, I'll save it for another post, but my grandmother was a person. She had a life, a heard, a brain, a mind, a soul...
It's a death. It's a loss.  It's a human life that is no longer there.
My reaction was deeper than I had expected and maybe that's exactly what I needed.
She's in a way better place and no longer in pain.
Pain that must have been excruciating, yet she held it in for months.
Bone cancer...probably metastasized from her skin cancer last year.  Maybe...maybe not.
Still, it's a dirty word that no one wants to hear and certainly not an intense, aggressive kind at 88 years old.
She's happier now and with my grandpa...

So this past weekend was spent with my family. My sister came home and we helped my mom clean out my grandma's apartment.
2 days, 28 bags of trash, an entire living room of clothes, toiletries, furniture, jewelry, and decorative items later (to be donated), we were pretty much done! Another chapter closed.

I decided to still go to the painting class I had signed up for Sunday night.
It's something I have really begun to enjoy!! Truly!
And I know i'm not that good, which is why I like these classes so much.
They are beginner.
Yet, it's still leaves room for creativity and individuality :)

I don't think I picked the best colors, from the vision I had in my head, but it might go good in Nevaeh's room someday and I'll find a place for it for now.
I should have spent a little more time on it, curved my flour de lis wings a bit more, but it's all about learning :)
Next week is a funky tree and I can't wait!

Monday was a high stress day at work and also trying to plan our honeymoon...thankfully, Matthew has taken over and should be done in the next day or two :) YAY

Last night was worship planning meeting and praise team practice. 
All early morning days to get to work and get going, but yesterday my mom and I met with a florist! 
More on that in another post as well! Stay tuned! promise it'll be worth it!

Tonight was a semi-relaxing girls night with Crystal. Much needed, but I am exhausted and that's a bummer. 
She's an amazing person and friend and we had some good talks/laughs/snacks and of course, a couple Friends episodes lol 

OH, and I started reading Gone Girl a few months ago! Couldn't get into it, but some girls at work started a book club and invited me! Gone Girl is on the agenda for this month, so I got cracking and OMG. Every free minute, literally, I've been reading and I finished tonight! WOWZA!!!!
GO read it now! Promise it will not disappoint!!
