Daddy Day

I always thought it was a little funny to choose one day out of the whole year to celebrate each parent.
Granted, I know I'm guilty of being a complete pain in the butt and definitely forgetting a few thank you's here and there, but I do try to remember that they are the reason I'm here.
The reason I am who I am and they worked their butts off to provide a life for my sister and I.

My dad is one of the hardest worker's I know. Probably THE hardest.
From the time I remember, he's always put everything into whatever he was working on.
He worked long hours, traveled a ridiculous amount, yet still made it to almost every single soccer game, recital, concert, graduation, etc.
He still mowed the lawn and fixed things around the house, took us on vacations, and out to movies.

I love that about him.  I can't imagine how hard it had to be to try and juggle all of that, but he did.
And I think it's made us all better today.

When I went off to college, I think my dad and I's relationship started getting better. We were just able to talk more, he was home more, and I think we were able to find more common ground and interests.
Not that we didn't have it before, but my sister and him always seemed to have more interests together.

And I think it's just gotten better as the years go by. I love it.
I've gotten to know my dad more in the last handful of years than I ever thought and I love him more for it.
He's an amazing man. Truly. He's is understanding and open and doesn't take bullshit.
He's hilarious and loves to make people laugh and have a good time.
He's sensitive and more supportive than anyone I know.
He let's me be me and stands by me through my decisions.
He helps me whenever I ask and he's taught me more than I imagined.
I wouldn't be where I am today without him and I am so thankful for that.
He hasn't and doesn't just give me what I want.
He's always taught me the value of money and getting what you deserve, working hard for it, and being smart about it.

I love watching him with my nephew too!
I have never seen anyone adore a little baby more than him!
He is incredible with him and loves him more than words could or would ever describe.

Today, I know I can call my dad for anything.
I never doubt whether how he'll react or what he'll say and I know he's always got advice.
He has my best interest and happiness at heart and that's the best thing he can give me.

He also let's me grow and become who I want to be.  Who I'm meant to be and does everything he can to encourage that.

Basically, I have a pretty amazing dad and I am one lucky girl to have him.
Extremely lucky and I love him more than anything.

Happy Father's Day daddy!
