Dancin with an iPod in Public

Y'all! (that's right, I said y'all), I have some the most awesoem co-workers.  Only bummer, is they all live in different cities (insert major sad face here).  BUT, that doesn't mean we don't still talk and catch up! I mean, we are all on the same team!
To the point.  This chick is hilarious, amazing, so sweet, genuine, and I love her to death.  We talked this morning, and we both need some much needed away time/laughter/snap back into our goofy selves...
Not an hour later, I get this link in an email to a group of us.  Seriously, it's like God came through her and said SEND IT NOW!!!! lol Please watch and enjoy...I've decided we all need to do this on Fourth Street, after our huge annual Christmas party here! HAHA

If you are not dying laughing right now, or even cracked a smile at this! I don't even know what to say...you've definitely had a worse few weeks than me! And for that, I will say a little prayer for you.
And also! WATCH IT AGAIN! You will laugh, even chuckle on the inside.  It totally made my heart smile! lol

You're totally welcome for brightening your day! :)


Ashley said…
LOL Right? oh goodness..
I had to re-post it on my blog. IF that doesn't make someone happy...
Fit With Flash said…
1. This video is amazing! SO glad to have something awesome to watch with my 2nd fave xmas tune.
2. I"M IN LOUISVILLE TOO!! So glad to have found another blogger here...
3. we should prob hang...