A-- Apples are one of my most favorite things
B - Babies make me happy
C - Chi Flat irons, rule my mornings
D- Dude is a word that I completely overuse; especially since I don't live in California, and I am not a surfer beach bum... Don't judge me, please.
E - Everybody Poops is one of the most awesome books from my childhood...JUST sayin'
F - My family is my everything and I can't wait to start my own! :)
G - Giraffes - I am obsessed. I secretly wish I could have one as a pet.  If it were legal, I'd do it...I have high ceilings.
H - "How you doing??" One of my favorite Joey quotes from Friends
I - I secretly crack myself up at times to the point where I am laughing out loud TO MY SELF! again, I ask you not to judge
J - Judging peoples bad fashion has become a regular occurrence on this blog...
K - Kappa Chi is a Christian Fraternity I was in when I attended the University of Evansville
L - I take pride in being lefthanded, even though people make fun of me DAILY.  They are all just jealous.
M - Matthew and Max are the two 'M' loves of my life
N - No one ever said growing up was easy...but they also forget to tell tell you how much fun it can be
O - Opening yourself up to the possibility of getting hurt or failing in life, is one of the scariest things to me, but absolutely totally worth the risk
P - 'Panties', is one of the WORST words in the english language.  I wish Webster would remove it completely.
Q - I embrace the little quiet time I get on a daily basis...
R - I hate repetitive movements - Matthew loves to test me with this, but when he loses a finger, all I'm saying is, "I TOLD YOU SO!" :)
S - Seriously? Is a word/phrase I use often when referring to ridiculous fashions I come across, again, DAILY! My mom laughs hysterically at this... :)
T - Trust is something I will give you completely, until you give me a reason not to...And gaining it back? Well...
U - Underwear is one of my secret shopping obsessions
V - Vern is a name my mom used to call me, growing up... It's an inside joke; funny now, then, not so much :)
W - I wake up early, even on the weekends...I love mornings, being productive, and having fun...not sleeping my day away :/
X - X-small sizes should not be in existence...give the girls a cheeseburger or something!
Y - Yoga needs to become a more regular thing in my life - it's amazing, nough said...
Z - People who do Zumba are crazy intense.  I was in Orlando at the same time a Zumba conference was there and I was actually scared for my, my eyes hurt from all the colorful workout clothes they had on...SERIOUSLY?!?!
