50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind

  1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? I'm liking the late 20's.  It's definitely a time of discovery of yourself and your life.  Making decisions for you and not what everyone wants you to be.   
  2. Which is worse, failing or never trying? Definitely never trying.  I tend to let fear get in the way, but I don't want to regret never trying whether I try or not. 
  3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? Ain't this the truth?? I'm gonna go with, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get what you want that will make you truly happy. Sacrifice can go a long way, if it makes someone else really happy! 
  4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? I'm going to be brutally honest here and say that sometimes I say more than I've done. It's not that I'm trying to fool people, it's that my fears can get in the way and bring me down.  I"m trying to turn a new leaf and realize that I've got one chance.  It could all end tomorrow, so I want to give it my all and do it, regardless.  
  5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? Tough question! whoa! I think compassion and understanding? We are all different.  Different cultures, different pasts, different views, different everything.  I don't think many think about that before making judgements or opinions (myself including at times), and I just wonder what our world would be if we all just tried a little to understand before getting angry or judgmental.  
  6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? Helping others.  I say that as part of my Premier business. It's changes lives. I'm not in it for the money.  I'm in it because I think God put me here for a reason and I want to make others happy...I know it sounds silly because it's jewelry, but it's not just about the jewelry.  there are amazing stories in this business and God has truly worked wonders in people.  I want to be one of those wonders.  
  7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? This is tough...I want to say I'm doing what I believe in.  I try to do what's right everyday and not be selfish.  Course, I am human and fail at times, but I do love my life and where it's headed.  Not sure that's a good answer, but it's all I got! lol
  8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? Wow...I think I wouldn't let my fears get in the way...It's held me back on a lot of things that I want.
  9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? lol I just had this conversation/thought process in my head earlier this week.  I think I've tried to trust that God is leading me where I need to be, but I've also come to realize that I'm an adult.  I can make decisions for myself and go with my heart and head.  I was raised to be independent and think on my own.  I love that...it's a blessing and a curse.  I expect a lot out of others because of that independence and everyone was raised differently.  I just hold high expectations for others to do well and succeed on their own.
  10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? Doing the right things...I want everyone to be happy. I don't ever want to hurt anyone or do something wrong.  I can be hard on myself for that. but at the same time it can turn around and blow up in my face...
  11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do? When I was younger, I probably would have went along with it.  Maybe not chimed in and said anything, but I wouldn't have NOT said anything.  Now? I'd speak up.  I love my friends.  They are amazing people and I wouldn't let others put them down... 
  12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Life can be ridiculous hard...but only if you make it.  Live each moment with joy.  Don't hold back and love till your heart hurts.
  13. Would you break the law to save a loved one? wow...In all honestly?? I don't know. I think in the heat of a moment, to save someone I loved, I'd do absolutely anything...
  14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? Of course...isn't that a part of life? :) I'm an emotional person and sometimes my best thought come during those moments or reflecting on those moments lol 
  15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? Ummm... put ketchup on mac n cheese?!? haha I have no idea... 
  16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? We are all different.  God made us each individually.  Our families and our backgrounds all play a role in that. It's a passion...I think it's something God put in your heart, just for you... 
  17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What’s holding you back? Open my business and money?? lol Gotta have a little something to back it up! Granted, it's more fear than money...true story  
  18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?  Intense question...I want to say no? But, I'm sure there is something...everyone's got their ticks, pasts, resentments, etc.  I hope it doesn't show or affect relationships or life, but it can and for some it does affect those around them. It's almost impossible to really move forward, if you haven't truly let go of the past and anything that hurt you.
  19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? SO many places! I would LOVE to live in New York.  Iwant to work in fashion...DREAM!!! BUT, I'd love to life in the Carolina's? By the beach? Maybe even Maine or Boston??I like the east coast...I've lived in the north, the east, the semi-south lol I've been to probably 40 states, and I think I'd like to stay on the east coast :) Or mid-west.  I've actually loved living in different places.  My parents would laugh at that, but looking back, it's been an amazing experience.  There are things I've learned from each place, I've had to grow up each time to move forward and start over...I love that. 
  20. Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? GUILTY! And of course, I know if won't go faster, but I still do it.  I've accepted it, you can too! :)
  21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? I'm gonna go with joyful simpleton.  I'd rather smile all the time than be a stressed out smarty! lol
  22. Why are you, you? There are not enough words nor time to explain this haha And in all honesty, I am nothing special...I'm just, well, me! ;)
  23.  Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? I think for the most part. I think the strong friendships I have are a part of that.  I'm not perfect and always wish I was better, but I love and accept my friends for who they are and who they make me. I can be selfish and distant, I know, but I make sure my friends know I love them and am there at any moment.  
  24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? Losing touch with a good friend who live right near you...for sure.
  25. What are you most grateful for? Wow...a lot of things...My faith.  It's gotten me through a lot and always been a center for me.  Kind of brings me back to reality at times. 
  26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? Considering I have the WORST long term memory, I'm gonna go with never being able to make new ones...
  27. Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first? I'm gonna go with yes.
  28. Has your greatest fear ever come true? I wanna say no, but losing genuine people that I love is pretty tragic..
  29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset?  Remember I have crappy memory?? lol Yeah, I'm gonna go with no, I don't, only because if it made that big of an impact, I would.  I remember those instances, and I don't want to relive those moments because they are done and I can't do anything by live and learn and move forward.  
  30. What is your happiest childhood memory?  What makes it so special? Y'all this is so sad!! My mom and I went to Illinois last fall and she was telling me so many freaking stories of all our vacations, and I barely remembered them!!! It really makes me so sad!!! I had a good childhood! Nothing tragic or anything, I just don't remember much :( 
  31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? When I'm doing something I truly love and am with those I 
  32. If not now, then when? Umm...later? :)
  33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? Could be nothing, but could be everything...
  34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? I'm gonna go with no...but it's very possible with my best friends that that is totally possible lol
  35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? I wish I knew...
  36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? I think if you can trust and believe in God, your gut will tell you what's good and evil. 
  37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? I know this sounds crazy, but absolutely not.  I love working! I'd totally cut back some hours, but I genuinely love it. I'm succeeding on my own.  Making my own living, helping, having fun, making a change. 
  38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? More that I love doing :)
  39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? I am a creature of habit and routine, so yes, there are some days I feel like that.
  40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? Not sure I've had that yet??
  41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?Umm, everyone I love? Duh!
  42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? Absolutely, positively, NOT!! No, nada, try again, no thank you!
  43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living? I think truly living is being happy, doing what you love, being with who you love and only doing what will make YOU happy at the end of the day, not worrying about what others think and how they will feel about your decisions.
  44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? I don't think there should be a 'time', it should be when your hearts wants something.  When you are passionate about something, do it. Don't wait. 
  45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? For me, I think it's the disappointment of others? No one wants to make mistakes and I hate mistakes that hurt people...so sometimes I'm so scared of making a mistake, that I end of making one.. blah
  46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? OH gosh...I don't think I know...
  47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? This afternoon when this cold is preventing me from breathing out of my nose! lol
  48. What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? I love tons of things! My family, friends, my peanut, Matthew, Nevaeh, so many others.  No, I don't think all of my recent actions have openly expressed that.  Definitely something I need to work on.  I try, but I know at times, my emotions of stress or being overwhelmed can get in the way.  I definitely don't love being as emotional as I can be lol BUT I'm going to try and take it as a blessing of being passionate about things :) That's the times i get super emotional!
  49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday?  What about the day before that?  Or the day before that? Honestly...I doubt it. Unless something huge happens today in the next 3 hours lol
  50. Decisions are being made right now.  The question is:  Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? Yeah, I'd love to say I'm king them for myself and I'm trying to do that, but I think sometimes I let the opinions and judgments of others affect my decisions.  I'm really working hard towards making decisions for my life and what I feel is right for me and the path I'm on...
