What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm loving Wednesday :) 

- I've loving that my little peanut has been super snuggly lately :) 

- that it's finally gonna get all cold up in here!! woo! (I'm sure I'll regret it soon enough lol)

- I'm loving that all the news shows are coming back!!

- I'm loving that I'm been in an organizing/redecorating mood lately

- I'm loving that next week I head off to regional rally for Premier, in Columbus!!!

- I'm loving that there are so many great movies out right now! (not loving I don't have time to see them all)

- I'm loving that my new curtains for my bedroom come today!!! Can't wait to see them!

- I'm loving that I got my ELF makeup yesterday and I got a FREE 144 pallet eye shadow set.  Whoa there are a ton of colors! lol 

-I'm loving that I got some QT time with my Molls this weekend! (Not loving she lives too far away to see, like everyday! :/

- I'm loving I finally get a hair cut this weekend.  Much needed, it's getting crazy long. And it's a short cut haha 

- I'm loving my new ladder rack I got!! Thanks work vendor for the gift card. It looks great! :)

Link it up! What are you loving?! 


is it bad that I dont know what ELF makeup is? Lol
Anonymous said…
Great list! I'm loving that shows are coming back too! Woo hoo!

megs [at] Shine On
Cristie Young said…
I LOVE Elf products. They have the cheapest stuff and it is so worth it over the pricey stuff!

Have a great night,
