What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm Loving....that it's been rainy the past couple days. I love waking up in the middle of the night to heavy rain or thunderstorms :) Although, it does put me in a crabby mood sometimes :/ lol
I'm Loving...that I went to Yoga tonight and am determined to get back in a workout routine! This girl needs it!

I'm Loving...that next week is a two day week! :) WOOT

I'm Loving....that it's finally starting to consistently be cold :) Me loves cold weather!! Bring on some pretty snow!

I'm loving....that I had two pretty good shows this past week!! Pray for me getting more bookings, please...

I'm Loving...that I have a couple good ideas for Christmas gifts!! Too bad I got no ideas for Matthew. He = hardest person to buy for. Pft

I'm Loving...that my precious little nephew gets to join us, not just on Thanksgiving, BUT Christmas too!! :)

I'm Loving...that I finally got to paint my nails tonight! I was feeling deprived and they were looking no so nice.

I'm Loving...that I finished a ton of my work Christmas party early! AND that means hopefully better celebrating and less stressin :)

I'm Loving...that my peanut is so snuggly at night in this cold weather :) Love him!

I'm Loving...that the packers are gonna play on Thanksgiving! 
I'm Loving...that I get a 'free' day Sunday! Finally I'll get some stuff done...maybe.

Now go link up with What I'm Loving Wednesday!!
